Saturday, October 17, 2009


Everybody knows Michael Jackson for his wearing of short pants,big white or sparkly socks, and loafers! I wanna say it's basically like his trademark image, but he had so many because he was so cool. The wearing of this combo of clothing lasted a long time for him. Michael wore this because he had such fancy footwork. When he was preforming, he made sure everyone saw his footwork clearly. One of his fancy-feeted dance moves are the moonwalk. He also stands on his toes.


OK. So if you are a true Michael jackson fan you will definately notice his awesome, custom-made, one-of-a-kind belts! Michael Jackson is usually wearing big, shiny, or sparkly belt. Some times they may even have chains. I beleive it is quite obvious that he wore them to draw attention to his hips:I MEAN MORE ATTENTION THAN WHAT'S ALREADY THERE!
I feel this may be the reason because Michael Jackson was an awesome dancer and he was always moving his hips. The belts seem to draw more attention to them.
I can absolutely be wrong though. Michael Jackson may have worn the attention-getting belts just because they were unique just like his costumes!


HEY! Ever see Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal video? Did you ever wonder how he did that awesome lean?! well Michael and his backround dancer were wearing these specially designed shoes!This shoe allowed them to preform the amazing 45 degree lean!


Have you ever noticed that Michael Jackson almost always wears an armband on his right bicep? You may notice him wearing one in Smooth Criminal,Jam, Black Or White,Give Into Me, and the Blood On The DanceFloor album cover. Anyway, have you ever wondered why he wears them? Well I have, and found out why.Michael Jackson said that he always wears the band to represent all the poor and suffering children around the world. Michael Jackson said he will wear an armband as long as there is 1 starving or suffering child in the world. THIS WAS A MAN WHO REALLY CARED ABOUT CHILDREN. Dont listen to the "tabloid junkie."